
Penticton is a Deerhound, born in Koberg near Hamburg (Germany) in the home of the Köppen family. Pentictons mother Ginger was imported from Canada, that is why the litter was given calling names from Canadian places, Penticton is a small town in the western Canada with the motto "a place to stay forever".
Just after the birth. Little Penticton.

The deerhound is a rarer breed among the sighthounds, and once they were close to extinction. They may appear to have somethign in common with the irish wolfhound, and tey actually do have something common, as the breeds were crossbred during times where they were threatened by extinction.
Sleeping innocence. With the family at the beach.

A little about Penticton:

Penticton is born in Germany, where most of his siblings live, but one lives in the USA, one in Canada, and one in France.
At an age of 5 months, he weighs 27½ kilo (60lbs) and stands 66 cm high - and his tail has a lenght of 60 cm!
He is very gentle and calm, but can run really fast when he likes.

Penticton's Picturebook

© Kim Christensen 2003-2008
